Reporting for the L.A. Times on Thursday, November 7, 2013 in his article, “Senate passes workplace protection for gay, transgender Americans,” Memoli went to say,
“On Wednesday, senators approved
an amendment offered by Republicans to strengthen an exception provided in the
bill for religious organizations, and to ensure that the government could not
retaliate against such groups in awarding contracts and grants.”
It was partly due to this amendment that well-known conservative, Senator
Pat Toomey of Pennsylvania, lent his support of ENDA. "A person's sexual orientation,” he said, “is irrelevant to
their ability to be a good doctor or engineer or athlete or a federal
judge." But he was equally concerned what this might portend for religious
freedom. He didn’t want businesses with religious affiliations to be forced to
hire gay employees if such measures would violate the tenets of their faith.
Still, with this amendment, Mr. Toomey thought that ENDA was good legislation.
After all, no one should be discriminated against.
The question that
immediately comes to mind is this: Why is it necessary? In fact, Federal Equal
Employment Opportunity (EEO) Laws are interpreted to mean that it is unlawful
to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation. This is plainly stated on
the U.S. Equal Employment Commission website. And in more and more cases, this
interpretation is being used to violate conscience rights. That is, it is
compelling people to act or to provide a service that they deem contrary to
their faith.
In August of 2013, for
instance, the New Mexico State Supreme Court ruled against Elane Photography for
their decision not to photograph a ceremony involving a same-sex couple. Elaine
Hugenin, owner of the photography business, claimed that her refusal to carry
out the services was due to her religious beliefs.
However, the state Supreme
Court justices were not persuaded by Elaine’s position. Neither was Louis Melling,
the Deputy Legal Director for the American Civil Liberties Union. She praised
the decision saying, "Today's
opinion recognizes the sincerity of those beliefs, but makes clear that no
one's religious beliefs make it okay to break the law by discriminating against
Indeed, this view seems to
be prevailing. Recall that in 2010 that “don’t ask, don’t tell” law was
successfully repealed in the military. Since then, gays can be open about their
sexuality. So, again, why is the Employment Non-Discrimination Act
necessary? I’m afraid it will not be exclusively used to prevent unjust
discrimination against employees or prospective employees who may have same-sex
attractions. If past is prologue, as in the Elane photography State Supreme
Court decision, it will be used to discriminate against those who oppose
same-sex marriage or the homosexual lifestyle. Keep in mind: laws are of
secondary importance nowadays. The interpretation of the law is where the power
is. But bad laws make bad interpretations much easier.
Congressman Paul Ryan recently stated, no one should be discriminated against
because of their sexual orientation. But his concern was that ENDA might have
unintended consequences. Personally, I am not convinced that the consequences
will be “unintended.” When he speaks of consequences I think he means that it
may be used coercive purposes, compelling the private sector and even religious
organizations cooperate with the gay-rights agenda.
repeat, the campaign to stop unjust discrimination based on sexual orientation is
likely to be used, as it has been, to discriminate against those who cannot, in
good conscience, cooperate with any activity that would suggest approval of
same-sex unions. You see, it is not the thing itself that needs to be
considered, but how that thing will be used.
and point: Not a few Christians were in favor of the idea of nationalized
healthcare. But in 2010, when the Affordable Health Care Act was passed, it was
becoming clear that healthcare was a means in carrying out other designs. The
contraceptive mandate was one such design. And now, the implementation of
nationalized healthcare is creating all sorts of headaches. The idea of
universal healthcare is noble. But how it will be used and by whom were not sufficiently
considered. Did not our Lord say: “For the children of this world are more prudent in dealing with
their own generation than the children of light.” And I have to wonder if ENDA
is just another “prudent” tactic by the children of this world.
Among good, believing
Christians the naiveté of evil has been quite costly. We are at a crossroads in
a nation when soft-despotism may begin to harden a bit. Alexis de Tocqueville,
author of Democracy in America (1835-40), once made the point that democratic
nations are not immune despotism. He said,
“If despotism were to be established amongst
the democratic nations of our days, it might assume a different character; it
would be more extensive and more mild; it would degrade men without tormenting them…[Under
such despotism] the will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and
guided: men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained
from acting…”
Since the early 1960’s,
Christians have been “prevented” from praying and the reading the bibles in
public schools; “prevented” from displaying religious symbols in the public
square; and “prevented” from speaking openly about the sanctity of marriage in
many of our public institutions. Now, however, there is a strong movement to force
us to “act” and to “obey.”
And as Jordan
Lorence, a lawyer representing the Elane photography business, said, "Government-coerced
expression is a feature of dictatorships that has no place in a free