Friday, June 8, 2012

The burden of prophets and reformers

Abridged and reposted for new Sky View readers:


This post is dedicated to every bishop who toils to reform his diocese but faces opposition and obstacles; to every pastor who endeavors to set his parish on fire with the love of Christ but meets with resistance and even rejection; to every teacher who hands down moral truths to a student body marked by apathy and skepticism; and finally this post is dedicated to discouraged parents who compete against many secular forces in our culture in rearing their children.

There were many prophets and reformers who seemed to have struggled in vain to renew their religious order, parish or diocese against the status quo. They were beset with the temptation that all toil and sacrifice was in vain. But God works through weakness. That is why he will anoint our efforts with success just when all seems lost. To this effect, the prophet Isaiah said, “Though I thought I had toiled in vain, and for nothing, uselessly, spent my strength, yet my reward is with the LORD, my recompense is with my God.”

And for everyone who is willing to sacrifice himself to a righteous and just cause, the Lord says, “See, I have refined you like silver, tested you in the furnace of affliction.” The struggles, sacrifice and suffering required in renewing families, institutions, nations and the Church herself is the very means through which Christ sanctifies and builds-up his disciples.

Benedict's Reform of the Reform:

Pope Benedict XVI coined the term, “The Reform of the Reform.” Sometimes the solution to problems needs refining and realignment. On the eve of the Sexual Revolution of the late 1960’s, the Holy Spirit inspired the Second Vatican Council to convene from 1962 to1965. From the Council came a return to the simplicity of Gospel truths so effectively communicated by the Apostles and Church Fathers. Yet in the midst of applying these principles of renewal, the Church and her institutions were rocked by the rapid cultural changes that were taking place in society. So taken back by the abrupt changes in society and the confusion it caused, even within the Church, Joseph Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, said that the city of man was beginning to strike terror in their hearts! Indeed, Mass attendance, priestly and religious vocations plummeted. One can even proffer that what was gained by the Catholic Church doubling in size between 1940 and 1960, was lost between 1970 and 1990.

The transition from the old way of doing things to new ways made the Church vulnerable to the influence of secularism and to many misinterpretations about the transition itself. What the Church was left with in many of her venues was a watered-down Faith which struggled to attract new converts and form cradle Catholics. This, of course, had to change. And to be sure, after the dust had settled it was clear that the fruits of the Second Vatican Council had not been fully applied.

It was then that then-Cardinal Ratzinger came up with, “The Reform of the Reform.” But fifty years is a long time. People- clergy and laity alike –got used to the new ways of how the affairs of the Church were being carried out. Going back to the founding principles, that is, from the era of the Apostles and the Church Fathers, and using them to give new life to the Church, is not only a difficult task but it comes at a high price. In years past, pressing forward amid opposition, resistance and misunderstanding was the cause of many tears shed by prophets and holy reformers.

Tears of a Pope: A Thousand Years Ago

Take, for instance, Pope St. Gregory VII. He was a great reformer of the Church a thousand years ago (1073 A.D.). In order that the fruits of the vineyard might grow more abundantly, this holy pope realized that the weeds had to be pulled out by the root. The weeds, just to name of few, were State officials controlling the elections of popes and bishops, simony (the selling of offices) and more specifically, sexual abuse within the priesthood. This latter vice had reached epidemic proportions in his day. And to be sure, the purification of the Church, he found out, was a painful but necessary process.

On January 22nd, in the year 1075 A.D., he wrote a letter to St. Hugo, Abbot of Cluny, expressing his anxiety and toil that was daily afflicting him in his role as the Head of the Catholic Church. He writes, “If it were possible, I should greatly desire you to understand fully what anxiety oppresses me, what toil renewed day by day wearies and disturbs me by its increasing burden, so that your brotherly sympathy might incline you toward me and cause you to pour out your heart in flood of tears before God, that Jesus, the man of poverty, through whom all things were made and who is ruler over all, might stretch forth his hand and deliver me from my misery with his wonted mercy.”

The Holy Father continues in his lament: “Often I have besought him, according to his word, that he would either take me out of this life or show favor to our common mother [the Church] through my service. Yet up to the present time he has not delivered me from my great suffering nor has my life been of value, as I had hoped, to that mother in whose chains he had bound me.” Indeed, a heavy Cross was laid upon the shoulders of St. Gregory VII; sometimes, as is evident from his letter, his trials overwhelmed him.

The Burden of Reformers:

Tears had streamed down the cheeks of many prophets and reformers as they looked upon God’s people in disarray. In order to reform and make things better, in any given situation, whether it be the Catholic Church or even one’s nation, the prophet must be willing to shed tears, to experience loneliness and to make himself vulnerable to hate. Quite often, in the bible and in the lives of the Saints, such adversity was the very instrument our Lord used to bring about something new, something better from something bad. Every prophet or reformer had his or her Good Friday; not just once, but many times throughout a life time. And it is the willingness on the part of the Christian, with the motive of glorifying God and saving souls first and foremost, which is that pleasing aroma to the Lord; but not only to the Lord but to those that are seeking him. As. St. Paul said, “For we are the aroma of Christ for God among those who are being saved...” (II Cor. 2:15-16)

History shows that prophets and reformers share common characteristics and experiences. One such characteristic was that they were twice-born, that is, born again to a new set of convictions and values. But while these values were new to their generation, they were nonetheless rooted in tradition. Quite often such a disposition was nurtured in monasteries or at least where the discipline of prayer and penance were to be found. From this background, holy men and women were better prepared to carry out their mission without being tainted by human applause or intimidated by the threat of persecution. Insisting on these values and principles, they were a blessing to some people and a source of consternation to others. There was no getting around that fact! But let there be no doubt, those who winced from such a challenge failed to reform.

The Book: True and False Reform

Originally published in 1950, the book “True and False Reform in the Church” by the Dominican theologian, Yves Congar, identified some traits of those reformers who made a difference. If you are a cleric, teacher or parent who is willing to change things for the better but face what seems to be insurmountable odds, perhaps these considerations will be helpful.

In Chapter 3, entitled "Prophets and Reformers," it says the following: “So that the sap of Christianity can still thrust its shoots through the crust of history, the Holy Spirit, watching over the Church, raises up servants whose fidelity goes beyond conformity to the status quo.” How true! When we come across a prophet like Jeremiah or Ezekiel or Saints such as St. Gregory VII, we find that they had risen above their social or even religious milieu. Quite often, their convictions differed greatly from their peers. As such, they were misunderstood and even slandered. Alone they stood with God. Nevertheless, their core convictions remained.

Unfortunately, every generation has its blind spots. Throughout history there is a human tendency in each era to emphasize certain truths at the expense of other truths. But the messengers of God refused to be locked into a box of fads, trends or partial truths. In fact, Congar said, “Religious prophets are those who are detached and thus able to bear witness to the totality of the truth over against partial truths, to integral truth over against accommodations.” They recognized that the Holy Spirit speaks through his Church in every century. And in every century the voice of God had something unique to offer. This, to be sure, liberates them from the narrowness that the present generation holds as absolutes.

An openness to this divine voice, not just through personal inspirations which may visit the soul in the moment, but through the utterances of Prophets and Saints of old, leads to an epiphany or awakening for God's servant. “Some people have experienced a kind of revelation, a new birth; they have discovered a new personal set of values and a kind of change have come over their lives.” They see, with more clarity, both the good and bad habits of their contemporaries. With this realization, they set out to fulfill their calling with the purpose of glorifying God. Being unhindered from conventional practices and limitations, their anointed work becomes an occasion of reform and renewal.

Invariably, however, there are obstacles and opponents to any holy campaign. As Yves Congar put it, “There are those who simply live according to the expectations and habits of their social group. They maintain the established ways of the milieu." Then he adds this: "There are lazy believers in the Church- clerics and laity alike –who do not believe in anything by themselves but remain sprawled out in the barn where they have been cooped up in front of a manger full of convenient beliefs that they only have to take and chew on.” That's right! In every age there are the "establishment types" who do certain things simply because that is the way things have always been done. They obediently receive ready-made-opinions from their peers as a soldier receives orders from his commander.

Indeed, ineffective reformers tended to be bound to the structures of the system and conventional practices. All too often they refused to go back to the beginning; back to the founding principles which inspired greatness.