August 27, 2013
by Bethany MonkSan Antonio City officials will discuss a proposed ordinance on Wednesday that state leaders say would severely threaten religious freedom. It could also a dangerous precedent for other cities throughout the country.
Mayor Julian Castro and gay activists call it a “non-discrimination” ordinance. But really, it is quite the opposite. If passed, those who hold a biblical view of marriage and relationships could be banned from being involved in city government.
Councilmembers are expected to vote on the issue next week.
Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott said in a statement Monday that it violates the state Constitution.
“I oppose the proposed ordinance because it would not prevent discrimination, but impose it: stifling speech, repressing religious liberty, and imposing burdens on those who hold a traditional view on human relations,” he said. “The proposed ordinance runs contrary to the Texas Constitution, which prohibits religious tests, and also defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman.”
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