Asking Divine Assistance and Confidence in Recovering Grace
Son, I am the Lord, who gives strength in the time of trouble- NAUM 1. 7.
Come to me when it is not well with you. This is that which most of all hinders heavenly comfort, that you are slow in turning yourself to prayer.
For before you earnestly pray to Me you seek in the meantime many comforts and you delight yourself in outward things.
And hence it comes to pass that all things avail you little until you take notice that I am He that delivers those that trust in Me. Nor is there outside of Me any powerful help, or profitable counsel, or lasting remedy.
But now having recovered your spirit after the storm, grow strong again in the light of My tender mercies; for I am at hand to repair all, not only to the full, but even with abundance and above measure.
Is anything difficult to Me? or shall I be like one who promises and does not perform?
Where is your faith? Stand firmly and with perseverance.
Have patience and be of good courage, comfort will come to you in its proper season.
Wait for Me, wait, I will come and cure you.
It is a temptation that troubles you and a vain fear that frightens you. What does that solicitude about future accidents bring you but only sorrow upon sorrow? “Sufficient for the day is the evil thereof.”
It is a vain and unprofitable thing to conceive either grief or joy for future things, which perhaps will never happen.
But it is human to be deluded with such imaginations; and a sign of the soul that is yet weak to be easily drawn away by the suggestions of the enemy.
For he cares not whether it be with things true or false that he abuses and deceives you, whether he overthrow you with love of things present or the fear of things to come.
“Let not, therefore, your heart be troubled and let it not be afraid.” Believe in Me and trust in My mercy.
When you think that I am far from you, I am often nearest to you. When you judge that almost all is lost, then often times it is that you are on the way of gaining the greatest merit.
All is not lost when anything falls out otherwise than you would have it. You must not judge according to your present feeling, nor give yourself up in such manner to any trouble, whencesoever it comes, nor take it so as if all hope were gone of being delivered out of it.
Think not of yourself wholly forsaken, although for a time I have sent you some tribulation, or withdrawn from you the comfort which you desire; for this is the way to the kingdom of heaven.
And without doubt it is more expedient for you, and for the rest of My servants that you be exercised by adversities than that you should have all things according to your inclination.
I know your secret thoughts; I know it is very expedient for your soul that you should sometimes be left without consolation, lest you should be puffed up with much success and should take a complacence in yourself, imagining yourself to be what you are not.
What I have given I can justly take away and restore it again when I please. When I give it it is still Mine; when I take it away again I take not anything that is yours; for every good gift and every perfect gift is Mine.
If I send you affliction or any adversity, repine not, neither let your heart be cast down. I can quickly raise you up again and turn all your burden into joy.
Nevertheless, I am just and greatly to be praised when I deal thus with you.
If you think rightly and consider things in truth you ought never to be so much dejected and troubled for any adversity, but rather to rejoice and give thanks.
Yea, even to account this as a special subject of joy, that afflicting you with sorrows I spare you not.
“As My Father has loved Me, I also have loved you,” said I to My beloved disciples whom certainly I did not send temporal joys, but great conflicts; not to honors, but to contempt; not to idleness but to labors; not to rest, but to “bring forth much fruit in patience.” Remember these words, O my son.