Have you ever been in a friendship where you got the sense
that it was a one way street; something that totally dependent on your
initiative? The friendship may be
rewarding in some respects but you know it can be better. Well, I can imagine
God sees it that way with many of us. God created us so that we can freely
choose to have a relationship with him. But that relationship, if it is to endure,
consists of talking and listening to our heavenly Father every day.
As stated in the previous Sky View blogs, the best way to listen to God is through the
spiritual reading of Scripture! Even more than listening itself, every good relationship
involves action. And this is where resolutions come in.
Writing to one of his spiritual daughters, St. Francis de
Sales said this about spiritual resolutions: “My daughter, you must not stop short in
general affections, without turning them into special resolutions for your own
correction and amendment. For instance, meditating on Our Dear Lord's First
Word from the Cross, you will no doubt be roused to the desire of imitating Him
in forgiving and loving your enemies. But that is not enough, unless you bring
it to some practical resolution, such as, I will not be angered any more by the
annoying things said of me by such or such a neighbor, nor by the slights
offered me by such an one; but rather I will do such and such things in order
to soften and conciliate them. In this way, my daughter, you will soon correct
your faults, whereas mere general resolutions would take but a slow and
uncertain effect.”
Just as business meetings have action items so as to avoid the discussion of ideas for its own sake, so too meditation on God's Word must, at some point, be translated into specific action items to be carried out that day or soon thereafter. This is how character building and building up virtue is better secured. From this, an interior joy and peace- one that can hardly be explained -is sustained through the ups and downs of life.
Keep in mind that spiritual reading, above all, is to inspire a greater love for Jesus Christ. It's primary end is not to learn so as to impress others, but to be impressed so that we are in a better position to love others and above all, God.
sProperty of the Department of New Evangelization/ Green Bay Diocese